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  • Writer's pictureSarah Houghton


Some reflections on my first Ugandan jog today and before you ask, yes, I've lost all my hair, no I didn't intend it to be cut that short, yes, I should probably have stopped the guy before he took the clippers to it, no, there's not much I can do about it now!

Anyway - some reflections on this morning's brief jog:

1) Rain makes running very tricky on dirt roads; particularly when only a narrow section of the road is passable and so is shared by motorbikes, cars, buses, goats and the occasional jogger.

2) When everyone is looking at you, it's tricky to keep your heart rate low because you feel like you need to look like an athlete. My strategy was to stop every few hundred meters under the pretence of looking at a map but this didn't make for a very aerobic run.

3) Pavements are a wonderful invention; but to be wonderful, they need to be at least vaguely consistent. A pavement that runs for 100m and then terminates abruptly in a deep ditch is actually scarier than just running into oncoming traffic.

Hope that's helpful for your future planning!

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5 commentaires

Tony Collins
Tony Collins
19 avr.

Somerset provides the same challenges,


OD Anthony
OD Anthony
16 avr.

Sir the buzzcut looks good


Moroti Olomo
Moroti Olomo
16 avr.

I hope you weren’t wearing the trainers we bought you!!

Jim Houghton
Jim Houghton
20 avr.
En réponse à

Of course not! They're wrapped in cling film in a safe in London


15 avr.

Brilliant, good effort! Must be tough running in the heat too 😅

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